Monday, December 7, 2015

I'm using today's post to show my finished results for both Clue #1 from last week, and Clue #2 from this week.

Here are my half-square triangles for Clue #1.

These are my "decapitated geese"  (or houses, or Santa hats) for Clue #2.  I've made a few extra for each step, just in case!


  1. Gorgeous units, love your grey and reds. Such a lovely variety of reds. I fear my grey may be too dark. Such fun. I like Santa's Hats.

    1. Thanks! I know some of my reds are pretty dark, but I like them that way. I was VERY unsure of this gray because of the strong pattern but so far I'm liking the way it looks in these units.

  2. I like your reds. Think I have to make some extra units. I mostly use red repro fabrics and they are dark.

  3. Oh, me too..Love your reds & neutrals..I have that red in my units that's bottom right..

  4. Lovely! They look so good all lined up like that.
