Monday, January 4, 2016

Carole Doyle's Clue 6

This week's clue gave us the final cutting of pieces, and the instructions for how to put all our previous units into blocks and side setting pieces.  After these parts are assembled, the blocks will be put together in rows, on point.

This is a LOT to do, and my time for quilting has just not been here this past weekend, nor will it be here for the next several days.  So what I did was to first cut the remaining pieces (except for the outer border, since I haven't decided what fabric I will use for that) and then assemble one star block, one alternate block, and one side setting block

Then I stacked all my remaining units into their respective blocks so that I can easily chain piece to assemble the three different sections as I find the time.

Here are the stacks for the star blocks, along with the one I made, shown below the stacks.

Here are the stacks for the alternate blocks, and the one I have completed.

Finally, here are the stacks for the side setting pieces, and to the left, the one I have made.

On the right side of this blog you will see a photo of Bonnie Hunter's own finished Allietare quilt.  Hopefully, eventually mine will resemble hers. 

............Later on Sunday afternoon, I managed to make a little time to sew a few blocks together. These blocks haven't been sewn into rows or columns, but I'm happy to have made a bit of progress!


  1. This looks good; it's coming together beautifully.

  2. It looks wonderful! will be a beautiful quilt.

  3. It looks great. Just keep at it and it will be finished before you know it!

  4. You're way ahead of me! And way more organized, too! (Maybe that has something to do with it... hmmm...)

  5. Slow and steady the blocks get done. I am laying each block out on a cutting mat. Chain stitching them helps keep the seam ripper at bay. I had to make half of each to play on my wall, the floor needed to be be clear for Grandson's to come play. Keep it up and you'll be done soon.

  6. Absolutely beautiful. Love your gold center blocks, it is going to be a beauty. This may be my all time favorite design.

  7. Looking good so far...really is a fabulous quilt!

  8. Even with only a couple of blocks done, you can tell it will be a wonderful quilt. The corner section proves it!

  9. It's going to be a beautiful quilt. Hope you've had a bit more time to sew since Monday.

  10. IT will be beautiful, and you will finish it when you can. Mine is on the wall with all the blocks made and I am just joining blocks into rows. I had fun "arranging" before I settled down to start building the rows. Only 3 rows done, and real life happened. Will keep pressing on! Mary /
