This is a LOT to do, and my time for quilting has just not been here this past weekend, nor will it be here for the next several days. So what I did was to first cut the remaining pieces (except for the outer border, since I haven't decided what fabric I will use for that) and then assemble one star block, one alternate block, and one side setting block
Then I stacked all my remaining units into their respective blocks so that I can easily chain piece to assemble the three different sections as I find the time.
Here are the stacks for the star blocks, along with the one I made, shown below the stacks.
Here are the stacks for the alternate blocks, and the one I have completed.
Finally, here are the stacks for the side setting pieces, and to the left, the one I have made.
On the right side of this blog you will see a photo of Bonnie Hunter's own finished Allietare quilt. Hopefully, eventually mine will resemble hers.
............Later on Sunday afternoon, I managed to make a little time to sew a few blocks together. These blocks haven't been sewn into rows or columns, but I'm happy to have made a bit of progress!