Monday, December 21, 2015

Carole D's Clue 4

Clue 4 - Monday, Dec. 21, 2015

Clue four is a bit more demanding than the first three, but I love the way the units are turning out.  Under each unit in the photo are three more with the same red and the same black, but with different neutrals. I'm having to sew more slowly so that I can be very careful as to how the pieces are lined up.  Otherwise, the intersections just don't match!

As you can see, I haven't finished all the units yet, but the pieces are cut and I'm hopeful that I will finish these before Christmas Day!

..............later in the week.............Tuesday, December 22.................
I have finished the thirty sets.  Each stack of four has a constant red, a constant black, and four different neutrals.


  1. Lovely units, such a nice variety of fabrics. I like this unit, first time I've made it. Now I'm hoping for some gold in Clue 5.

  2. I love the contrasts in this weeks clue. Very graphic!

  3. Your units seem pretty accurate to me. I love the fabrics -what gorgeous reds! I think we are done with the greys, but I still have plenty of golds, blacks and reds left!

  4. Looking wonderful! I really like this clue..Lots of sewing for me to do yet...busy week.

  5. Replies
    1. I thought about pinning, but I decided that I could do it without pinning if I took my time. Once I figured out a good way to do that, I was okay and I'm sure that NOT pinning cut down on my time a good bit. I ended up with pretty decent matching intersections and the size was okay, too.
